Top 10k strings from Terrahawks (1984)(CRL Group)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   1 world within a revolving black hole; the most demanding environment for a
   1 will show vortex's on your final approach.  As you approach a 
   1 vortex your range indicator decreases.  When you are flying in the correct 
   1 to green; you are then able to implement Autopilot.  
   1 to convert an ordinary space pilot into a Terrahawk by stretching his
   1 the pull of gravity so does your speed.  If you can reach the centre of
   1 the owners of the work.  
   1 the Black Hole on the ninth Stratum you will blow out into space.
   1 space ship Commander known to the Universe.  This simulation is designed
   1 reactions and thinking speed to the borders of destruction.
   1 pre-set vector and height.
   1 photon canon.  Your radar screen situated left of the range and fuel meters,
   1 or transferred in any form onto any media without prior authorisation from
   1 less to reach the next stratum.  Populating the strata of the black hole
   1 is given by CRL Group PLC, CRL House, 9 Kings Yard, Carpenters Road, 
   1 faster than low flight but at low levels Monolith density is much greater.
   1 each stratum passed.  The game ends if you run out of fuel or have a
   1 compass quatile the gauge above your range indicator will change from red
   1 collision with no shields to protect you or use your three lives.
   1 are huge green monoliths of differing heights which block your flight.  
   1 You have five collision shields and you will gain an additional one for
   1 You can fly between them, over them or vapourize them with your ships 
   1 The program should be loaded using LOAD "" as a direct command.
   1 The Terrahawks Pilot Training game was designed to simulate the strange
   1 The Player having been sucked into the black hole must search for a vortex
   1 Terrahawks is compatible with the following joysticks:
   1 Terrahawks
   1 TERRAHAWKS by Richard Taylor
   1 Simulation Game
   1 Richard Taylor
   1 Q     - Stick Back
   1 Manufactured in UK Under licence from Anderson Burr Pictures Ltd
   1 M - Sets Autopilot
   1 London E15 2HD.
   1 Hiring and lending of this programme is prohibited unless written permission
   1 Hardware Required: ZX Spectrum 48k
   1 Gerry Anderson and Christopher Burr's
   1 ENTER - Fire
   1 Due to increadible gravitational forces high flying drains your fuel
   1 CRL Group PLC
   1 As you penetrate the Black Hole the Monolith density increases and due to
   1 All rights reserved.  No part of this program should be recorded, duplicated
   1 After flight path deviation you will be automatically returned to your 
   1 A - Turns Autopilot ON/OFF. Once turned on, Autopilot insures you remain 
   1 5Instructions    
   1 3UI6i-D:=?
   1 1     - Stick Forward
   1 (a long rectangular tunnel) and fly into it at a height of 40 feet or
   1 (C)1984 Anderson Burr Pictures Ltd
   1   Header Prog
   1     on your present vector.